
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

What is a "useful idiot"?

If you've never heard of the term "useful idiot", know that it was the attitude that Vladimir Lenin had among Westerners who viewed the progress of the 1917 Revolution favorably.

Invented by Soviet Russia, this term described people who supported people like Lenin and Stalin as they carried out atrocity after atrocity.

Lenin and the communists looked at these people with great contempt but realized their usefulness in spreading communist propaganda in their countries.

Today, that term refers to leftists and other "progressives" throughout the world - typically (but not exclusively) university students and professors, homosexual activists, feminists, radical environmentalists, leaders of the black/Indian/gypsy/Muslim movements, and others.

These people, for the most part, are not idiots in the true sense of the term, but rather people who have aligned themselves with a movement, assuming that they are working for a "better world". Invariably, by the time they discover they have been scammed, it is usually too late .

They are "idiots" because they operate with partial information but assume they have enough information to know how everyone else in the world should live their lives.

After their mission is completed [total subversion of the social order], they are no longer useful and are usually part of the first group to be physically eliminated by the same entities for whom they worked.

Source: https://mundodoboso.blogspot.com/2023/11/o-que-e-um-idiota-util.html

The Legend of Ahó Ahó

Ahó Ahó is a legend from the South created to convince the Indians to accompany the priests during the Missions, otherwise a monster, the Ahó Ahó, would appear to devour them.

Unlike most Brazilian myths, which present themselves as solitary figures, the Ahó Ahó acted in groups, emitting a sound similar to Ahó Ahó (hence their name), when they attacked indigenous people who strayed from the reductions maintained by the Society of Jesus. That's what the legend says.

Where does a story like that come from? In this case, it seems that the myth of Ahó Ahó was spread by Jesuit priests, during the time of the Missions, to scare the Guarani Indians, demonizing their free journey through the forest, to force them to remain outside their villages, in the territory of the Missions.

The idea that the only solution to save oneself from the wrath of the Ahó Ahó was to climb a sacred palm tree from which palms were taken for the Church's blessings on Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter, according to Christianity) reinforces the thesis of diffusion of the myth by the Jesuits of the Southern Missions in Brazil.

However, the myth seems to have gone further and is now known throughout the territory occupied by the nations of the indigenous Guarani people, both in Brazil and in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay.

Source: https://xapuri.info/aho-aho-uma-lenda-do-sul-do-brasil/ and https://www.todamateria.com.br/lendas-e-mitos/

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Because I'm not Presbyterian

Presbyterians or Reformed as they are known in Brazil are a group of Protestant Christians who emerged in Europe during the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century.

However, despite these arrogating to themselves the title of genuinely biblical Christians in relation to other denominations such as Pentecostals, Pentecostals continue to be the majority in the Brazilian Protestant milieu.

The Presbyterians, together with the other Protestants, are like a group of boats. The Presbyterians look at the boats around them and say, look, you have serious problems, your boats are going to sink, but they themselves cannot see that they are the ones sinking.

Presbyterians are sensationalists they believe that the spiritual gifts of God have ceased and that God no longer performs miracles and that the anointing and power of God is not in the midst of their church I do not believe that I believe that God is alive and not dead .

Presbyterians do not strive to convert people to Christ.

We are all called to be fishermen of souls and fish as many people as possible into the kingdom of God but Presbyterians don't believe that they think it is the duty of the holy spirit to convert people in part they are not wrong but they forget that the holy spirit uses his church for this.

The contempt for the lay priesthood in fact, the Bible does not say that for someone to be a good preacher they have to have a theological course.

If a person has the gift they received from God, that is enough. God loves those who are qualified but prefers to call those who are not qualified so that he himself can train them.

The Presbyterian church in Brazil, along with the Lutheran church, were infected with theological liberalism, which is nothing more than a heresy that has its origins in cultural Marxism that seeks to relativize the unquestionable truths of the Bible.

Traditionalists are the main Christians to defend on issues such as the legalization of abortion and gender ideology in Christian circles.

Presbyterians are still very Catholic and a true Christian is biblical and not Catholic.

Presbyterians understand that everything is legalism, any prohibition or any charge that is made to members is seen by them as legalism in their view, although they do not see it that way God was legalistic in the old testament because in the old testament God prohibited many things and in the new he converted and stopped being a legalist.

Presbyterians place a great emphasis on ecumenism and I do not believe that such doctrine comes from God but from Satan.

For true communion comes from the love of Christ and not from ecumenism because such practice does not lead to Christ but to Rome and its heresies.